
7 Ways to Use 2-Way Radios at Church

1. Parking. 2 way radios are an excellent way to coordinate guests arriving at your church. Have someone direct cars coming in to maximize appropriate spaces for parking and to reduce the amount of time wasted in the parking lot. Who doesn’t need to get into church faster, right?! This also eases the stress of latecomers and visitors who do not know where they are going. Communicate via 2-way radio to have someone meet them. This is also helpful for handicapped and elderly members and visitors who need extra assistance.
2. Security. Sinning doesn’t stop when you get to church. Unfortunately, places of worship are common grounds for violence and crime. Shootings, assault, kidnappings and even arson are all in the headlines for crime against churches. Take preventative measures to protect your congregation. 2-way radios open the lines of communication for quick and coordinated response.
3. Vacation Bible School. VBS can be a hectic time for parents and church staff. 2-way radios bring an immediate sense of organization to frenzied children running tirelessly in circles around your church while singing and doing crafts. Focus your efforts; plan rotations and stay in touch with the other volunteers for smooth transitions between activities.
4. Sound Teams. No more screaming across the church to get the sound settings right. Use 2-way radios to discuss the fine tuning of your speakers, microphones and order of worship.
5. Seating Guests. Late for church again? Can’t find your wife? No more seats left? Ask your ushers to use 2-way radios to save you the embarrassment of walking aimlessly through the congregation looking for a place to sit.
6. Finding lost children. Children and their parents often have a greater sense of safety and comfort at church, and as a result, they are often separated from one another. 2-way radios are perfect to assist you in finding your children, whether they are in the nursery, in Sunday school classrooms or playing with friends.
7. Chatting with the pastor. During the service, it may be helpful for you to share important bits of information with the pastor, including new announcements or prayer requests, changes in the order or service or emergencies that need to be addressed immediately. Stay connected with the pastor via 2-way radios to avoid causing a commotion when things come up mid-service.

