2 way radios come in two standard configurations, Family Radio Service and General Mobile Radio Service. FRS radios operate on 1/2 watt of power and can transmit on 14 different channels. GMRS radios are higher powered, operating on 1 to 2 watts of power and transmitting on 22 different channels.
Two-way radios are able to transmit at different distances, depending on variances such as topography, weather, obstructions and lightning. Operators can attain long distances in ideal situations, but actual distance is usually far less than the maximum claimed by manufacturers. On average, two-way radio operators can expect transmission distance to be around 2 miles.
Most two-way radios operate on standard AA or AAA batteries, while some models come with a rechargeable battery. Some two-way radio models enhance battery life by switching to low-power settings that kick in when long amounts of time pass between transmissions.