1Turn the 2 way radio on and tune to the frequency on which you’d like to transmit.
2Look for the output power switch. On Icoms, the switch is marked “H/L” which stands for High/Low. On Yaesus, the switch is the “3″ button and is marked “TX PO” for Transmit Power as a secondary function for the switch. On Motorola, it’s the “C” button with a secondary function marked “Low.”
3Alternate between high and low power. Press the “H/L” button on the Icom to toggle between low and high output power. “Low” appears on the display when Low is selected. Press the Secondary Function button and then the 3 button on a Yaesu. “High” will appear on the display, letting you know that High Power is selected, the default. Use the channel selector knob—the larger of the two knobs on top of the radio—to change between High, Mid and Low power. You’ll see the power level on the display. Press the Secondary Function button again to save your setting. On the Motorola, press “C” to toggle between low and high power. “Low” will appear on the screen when operating in low power mode.
4 Choose the high setting from Step 3, monitor the frequency and then press the PTT button to talk.