
How to Register My Two-Way Radios

Filing for a GMRS License Online
1Go to the “Universal Licensing System” Web page on the FCC website. If this is your first time using the FCC online Universal Licensing System, you mustto fill out the FRN registration form to receive a FRN registration number. You need this number to gain access to the Universal Licensing System. There will be a “Register” link provided on the Web page.
2Log into the Universal Licensing System. Click on “Apply for a new license.” To operate a GMRS or FRS/GMRS 2 way radio, you must apply for a “General Mobile Radio (GMRS)” license. The two-letter radio service code used for General Mobile Radio Service licenses is “ZA.”
3Follow the prompts to fill out and submit your licensing application.
Filing for a GMRS License Using the Paper Form
4Contact the FCC to obtain FCC Form 160 (which is designated as the “CORES Registration Form”), and FCC Form 605 (which is designated as a “Quick-Form Application for Authorization in the Ship, Aircraft, Amateur, Restricted and Commercial Operator, and General Mobile Radio Services). Print both of these forms from the FCC website by going to the FCC’s “Form Page”. You can also request that the form be mailed to you by calling the FCC’s Forms Distribution Center at 1-800-418-3676.
5Register with the FCC to obtain a FRN registration number. You can do this through the mail by filling out and submitting Form 160. You can also register online. You’ll need this number to fully fill out your GMRS license application. If you register the form by mail, you’ll need to wait for the FCC to respond with your FRN registration number before applying for the GMRS license.
6Fill out and submit FCC Form 605 to apply for a GMRS license. The form is self explanatory. When asked to fill in the “Radio Service Code,” fill in “ZA.” “ZA” is the two letter radio service code used for General Mobile Radio Service licenses.

