
Difference Between a CB & a Two Way Radio

CB Definition
CB radio is used mostly by truckers and is known for its colorful language. CBs allow low-power, short-distance communication over the public airwaves on any one of 40 channels located in the 27 Megahertz (MHz) band.
2 Way Definition
2 way radios, or “walkie-talkies,” also facilitate low-power, short-distance, over-the-air communication for citizens. Two-ways can be used for personal or business communication and operate on channels 1-14 of the Family Radio Service (FRS) and channels 15-22 on the General Mobile Radio Service (GMRS).
Walkie-talkies are handheld devices, so they’re more compact and mobile than CBs, which are usually vehicle or table-mounted; no license is required to use a CB radio or a two-way operating on the FRS, but an FCC license is required to use a two-way on the GMRS. Unlike two-ways, most CBs have external antennas which allow for a range of several miles, while two-ways are best for distances less than a mile. CBs are limited to a maximum power output of five watts; two-ways operate on a maximum of 0.5 watts.

