The Cobra PR-240 is a 2 way radio set that has been discontinued by the Cobra Electronics Corporation. It was replaced by a smaller, more powerful two-way radio. Parts and manuals for the Cobra PR-240 are still available. Anyone who gets a working used set will have a two-way radio set that works well, has a good range and holds up well.
The Cobra PR-240 is powered by four AAA batteries. It has a five-mile range with a range extender which will pick up even very weak signals. That can be useful in wilderness settings where you are unlikely to get excessive squawk from other users. It operates at one watt output power. The radios can operate on traditional or rechargeable batteries, with a drop-in charger cradle available as an accessory.
The radio offers 22 channels; seven in the Family Radio Service, or FRS, frequencies, eight General Mobile Radio System, or GMRS, channels and seven shared FRS/GMRS frequencies. FRS is an unlicensed service provided in UHF that the Federal Communications Commission leaves open for short-range use. GMRS frequencies add more options and can operate at higher wattage, In some remote areas, the GMRS channels will give you the best range. The Cobra PR-240 also offers 38 privacy codes, which help reduce unwanted chatter from nearby users on the same frequencies.
The Cobra PR-240 offers 38 privacy codes, which help reduce unwanted chatter from nearby users on the same frequencies, while protecting your conversations from others who may have similar radios. The radios provide a channel scan, which allows you to search for others on the air in an emergency situation. The auto-squelch keeps down background noise from other near-by frequencies. It is lit up with an LCD display for use at night and has a low battery alert.