
How to Get a Business Two Way Radio License

1Gather the information you need for your business license application. You need to know which frequency band you want to operate on (VHF or UHF). Also, how many mobile radios will operate on your system?
2Check the specifications for your 2 way radio system. You need to know the seven-character emission designator code; the power output of your radio system’s amplifier and its antenna; the structure of the antenna (such as a pole antenna, a freestanding tower, or an antenna that is mounted on the side of a building or on the roof). You also need to know the height of the antenna, and the height of the building the antenna is mounted on (if applicable).
3Calculate the latitude and longitude of your antenna location (written as degrees, minutes and seconds). You can use the Itouchmap Resource link included in this article to quickly obtain this information.
4Determine how far above sea level your antenna site is (measured in meters). You can use the GPSVisualizer Resource link to help you determine the elevation of the site terrain using latitude and longitude.
5Use the “Frequency Coordinators” Resource link to help you find the most appropriate radio frequency in the industrial/business radio pool for your communications. The FCC-authorized Frequency Coordinator will also file your license application for you with the FCC.

