The Coleman CR-400 is a handheld two-way radio with volume and frequency controls, as well as a squelch adjustment knob to manage static and interference with incoming transmissions. The squelch control reduces hiss and other distracting noise that may accompany a weaker signal. Adjusting the squelch on a Coleman CR-400 takes only seconds. No special tools are needed, only a friend with a 2 way radio.
1Switch on the CR-400 radio using the on/off knob on the top edge.
2Set the channel selector on your radio and a friend’s radio to the same frequency.
3Turn the “SQUELCH” control knob counterclockwise to the “MIN” setting.
4Dial the “SQUELCH” control knob clockwise on your CR-400 while your friend transmits from the second radio. Stop turning the “SQUELCH” knob when you can no longer hear hissing or static.